Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why I think Ikea is responsible for most arguments between married couples..

Friday night drinks is not something I normally do these days now that I am a mother, but last night was the exception because I have my inlaws here and there is something quite nice about having in house babysitters, so the husband and I participated in many drinks last night at The Lucky Shag.  That is a bar, in case you are wondering.

Anyway, awaking this morning with a toddler squished between us and a slightly thumping head, I remembered today was also the day I had quite a few things to do, and going to Ikea to get Liam's new bed was also on my list.

So, with inlaws and child in tow, and the husband at home on the couch feeling sorry for himself, I raced around the city like a cat on heat.  Morning tea with my auntie, coffee pit stop by the beach, dropping mother in law off at the hairdressers and then racing madly to Ikea.  My father in law and I got what we needed, bed, mattress, duvet, duvet cover, sheets, everything to make my little prince's haven a big boy room.

After ramming everything into the car and getting home, I had to run off to collect my mother in law at the hairdressers.  Imagine my utter dismay when I got home to be told I got the wrong colour bed, the wrong size sheet, the wrong size duvet and.....oh by the way, does anyone know where the slats for the bed are?  Its 4.15pm on a Saturday afternoon.  So, back in the car the husband and I go to race back to Ikea to find missing slats.  We get there, arguing frequently in the car over who's fault it was that we don't have slats and incorrect bedding.  My head is STILL thumping and I really just want a coke with ice and my bed and a cool fan.  We get to Ikea, find Rack 4, Section 25 and there are no slats.  Que very camp and helpful Ikea assistant who informs me that, yes, he has slats.  But they are in Rack 10, Section 40 and we need to pay an extra $30 for them to fit the bed.  At this point, I think my husband is going to have a stroke and off we go again, me defending my corner that no one told us that slats are extra, and how would I have known to find them in a warehouse the size of Africa?

I really do love Ikea, but geez, do they have to make it so hard?  Why does everyone have to walk in the same direction and why do I hear more couples arguing than normal?

Anyway, we got there in the end.  My little man is in the land of slumber.  My husband and I love each other again and really, watching Liam's face when we unveiled his new room was all worth it.

Lesson?  Don't go to Ikea with a hangover.

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