Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things you would never have dreamt of doing before you had children but which now seem as natural as breathing...

* Going to theme parks.
* Spending $20 ($20!) on a flashing Thomas the Tank Engine light stick.
* Sharing a toilet cubicle with one, sometimes even two, other people.
* Holding someone's willy for them when they go for a pee.
* Eating cold fish fingers.
* Pretending to be a horse.
* Going to the beach in the rain.  (It's raining.  You're on holiday.  What the hell are you supposed to do?).
* Reading the same book over and over again every single night of the week.
* Saying any or all of the following: 'Eat up, there are starving children in Africa'.  'Keep quiet in the back there please' and the final sign you are turning into your mother, 'If you don't stop doing that right now I'm telling your father'.
* Going to bed at 7.30pm.  Alone.
* Calling your partner 'Daddy'.  And I don't mean in the Daddy-o sense of the word.
* Being insanely elated when someone gives you a small piece of toilet roll with three stickers and a wonky texta drawing on it for your birthday.

1 comment:

a country wife said...

Ha ha love it Jo! Add to that showering with two, and now sometimes three other people (!), watching the same cartoon over and over, every day of the week, eating your body weight in tiny teddy biscuits, being up at 3am but not being drunk, being so insanely in love you think your heart could stop beating xx