Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Bucket List for 2011

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions but I am one for making short and long term goals.  In 2011 there are a few things I want to try and do, and as the year goes on I think I will add to the list as well.  So, what better way to start 2011 and make a list of all the small and big things I'd like to achieve.  While I've been on holidays, I've had some time to think about what I'd like to see happen this year.

Here goes:

* I want to go swimming twice a week, preferably on a Monday and Tuesday night so its at the beginning of the week and out of the way.
* After my swim, I want to get on the treadmill and walk for half an hour.
* 5 days of the week, I will eat healthily.  On the weekends, I can relax a little.
* I want to take my family to Brisbane this year.
* I want the three of us to experience camping together.
* I'd like us to take at least 5 mini breaks or weekends away, within driving distance of Perth.
* I want to turn Liam's nursery into a toddler room, fit for the cute two year old he is.
* I'd like to spend more time with my mum and dad.
* I'd like to do a few hotel nights with my husband where we check in at 2pm and check out the next day at 10am.  We've done this twice since Liam was born and we feel like a new couple again afterwards. 
* More dinner parties at home.
* Do a time management/managing people course for work.
* I will find my greenthumb this year and have a luscious garden, complete with calming water feature.
* Volunteer in a soup kitchen.
* Do the Telethon phone room again this year and ask some friends to do it with me - it was so much fun.
* Take a day off work every two months and keep Liam at home so we can do whatever we like.
* Volunteer some of my time at Liam's childcare centre.
* Learn how to apply make up properly.
* Add to Liam's vegetable garden and get him to help me so he can see how veggies are grown and eat them.
* Do swimming lessons with Liam.
* Clean the house Friday nights so I can spend as much time as possible with Liam and Richard on the weekends.

That's a start I think!

2011 is going to be a great year, I can feel it.


bec said...

Wow Jo, your bucket list is fantastic, at almost every point I was thinking me too! You have inspired me to write my own 2011 'bucket list", but I may just be copy & pasting many of yours ; )

Amy said...

Great list!

Unknown said...

So many things jo jo........ as your brother i can give you shit you know that right but ill be descreet.
1.Dinner parties eh..... Who will be cooking?
2.Swimming twice a week... Do they do adult floaties?
3.Five mini trips a year.. ill give you 2 free stays at our place not 5.

Jo in all honesty your blog is great... keep up the good work Luv ya pal...

Unknown said...

Seems like you are going to make the most of every moment in 2011. Good luck with your list Jo - I may just steal some of these ideas