Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dear Liam

Dear Liam

I just wanted to let you know I love you so much.  It is such a joy being your mumma.  In the last month or so I've felt a shift.  I can't quite explain it or even put my finger on it, but I am just having so much fun with you.  I love our relationship and how close we are.  Your dad thinks you are a mummy's boy and I would have to agree. 

I love that you are my son.  Growing up with three brothers I really wanted a sister but now I see my brothers taught me about boys and I'm putting it all into practice now.

You and me have competitions on who can be the loudest.  And you win all the time.  We chat and talk and when you hold my hand, I feel so proud of you.  You really are becoming my big boy and I love teaching you about life. 

Even though I work full time and life is ridiculously busy, I think of you every minute of the day and I work so hard because I want to give you the best of everything.  You love your house and I am so happy we have that garden for you to play in and a special room for all your toys.  Your dad and I I really wanted that for you and when I feel like I am going to collapse with tiredness after a big week I only have to see you zooming around in your toy car to know that moving to Perth and buying this house was the right thing for our family.

Today we went swimming at the local leisure centre and I really enjoyed that time together, just you and me.  You even told me you wanted a baby brother when you spotted all the other kids with their siblings.  I must admit that since you turned two, I have been thinking about it more and more.  I think you would be an amazing brother and your dad and me are in discussions.  I'll let you know :).

Liam, every day you fill our hearts with joy.  We are so lucky to have you in our lives and I can't wait for the future to unfold with you in it.

We love you.

Your mummy xxx

1 comment:

Karita said...

Beautiful words jo. You sum it up so well! And I know exactly what you mean about that shift, it's something that you can't figure out but it all starts coming together. Liam will continue to make you so proud! Everyday I look at Kayleigh and can't believe that I had a hand in making such an amazing and wonderful little girl.