Sunday, February 6, 2011


Right now, I am at the mercy of a two year old.  Whatever Liam is doing I am doing.

'Mummy do it'.
'Mummy get out of bed now'.
'Mummy hold it'.
'Mummy, drive down the freeway'.
'Mummy, it doesn't work'.
'Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy'.

It seems Liam is not interested too much in his dad.  Of course he will still want to know where he is, but Liam has decided he is my shadow now and that is all there is to it.

I think I find Liam's toddler stage more challenging that when he was a newborn.  However, it is also a wonderful age when they are talking and expressing a lot more and the difficulty of trying to work out what they want isn't as bad as say when he had just turned one.  His language skills are really coming on and I've noticed he's stringing longer sentences together.

Yesterday I managed to get a few hours on my own while he was having his afternoon nap and Richard was tackling our garden.  We are starting toilet training in ernest and each day we have to convince him that the toilet will not swallow him up.  So I've bought a Thomas the Tank Engine toilet attachment, new pants and pull up nappies for night times.  Liam is more keen on doing 'bush pee's' in the garden, and I'm sure our next door neighbours think we are barking bad when they hear me say 'LOOK AT DADDY HAVING A WEE, ISN'T HE A CLEVER BOY?!  HOLD YOUR DOODLE LIKE DADDY'.

Time goes by so quick with a little one.  It only seemed like yesterday we had a newborn and now we have a little man who has an opinion on everything. 


Amy said...

Toddlerhood is sooo challenging for me :( Elka is such a tricky demanding child. Bronte, my second bub is so easy in comparison, babies are such a sinch!

Sarah said...

I'm with you...babies are WAY easier than toddlers!!! As for the bush pee - that is all Harry will do! Thankfully all else hits the bowl!