Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The cost of childcare

Let me preface this post by saying that I don't think I could ever put a price on Liam's care.  I love the childcare centre that Liam goes to.  The quality of care is second to none and I totally trust his beautiful educators and how they have his best interests at heart.  Going back to work and having Liam go to childcare was without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  What makes it easier for me is knowing that Liam loves his days at childcare and he has thrived and developed under their care.  By going back to work I am a better mother and I derive a huge amount of my self worth and identity through work.

Liam goes to childcare four days per week and on a Tuesday he stays with my mum.  The arrangement works well for my family now and I have a wonderfully supportive husband.

As most families know, childcare does not come cheap.  However, the Australian government will pay 50% of your out of pocket expenses either every quarter, or at tax time.  It is capped at $7000 per child. 

We pay $90 per day for Liam to attend his centre and today I was informed that there will be a price rise and the new daily rate will be $95 per day.  Ok, so its another $20 per week.  I understand that costs rise. 

What I can't seem to understand is why the government can't do this 50% rebate for families on a weekly basis.  Surely that would make sense?  It was after all, one of the reasons I voted for Tony Abbott, in fact pretty much the only reason if I am being honest.  Extra cash flow amongst families would help everyone with the rising cost of living.

Trying to work out the complex nature of the Family Assistance Office and the benefits for which your family is entitled to is a major minefield.  I know women who delay going back to work as they would be working to pay for childcare only.  Surely, in this day and age we could come up with a better childcare system to support women in their quest to return to the workforce.

I'm very lucky that my employer will have a new childcare centre at the bottom of our building that is due for completion at the end of next year and I will be able to take Liam to work with me.  However, I do feel for those families who will need to find extra room in their budget to account for a price rise in childcare.

Anyway, my child's happiness is paramount and I would hate to take Liam out of a centre that he feels secure and happy in, so price rise it will be.


Unknown said...

Wow Jo having your employer build a centre on site will then allow you to salary package your childcare fees and pay pre-tax which will save you a pretty penny!!

Karla said...

It is rather crippling isn't it. Worth it but tough all the same. Thank god we get the 50% rebate - could you imagine otherwise?

Anonymous said...

An i-do reader. The 50% rebate will be able to given fortnightly is you want as of June. The saddest part as a childcare worker - the wage is bearly livable so dont always think your 'fees' go towards to hard work the workers do :(