Monday, March 14, 2011

A clean house is a sign of a wasted life...

Personally, I think not.

I've always prided myself on having a clean house.  I come from a long line of Nazi Cleaners.  My mum's house is so clean you could eat your dinner off the floor.  Ok, maybe I am not that fastidious, but there is something about a clean house I love.

Which is why I am admitting defeat.  After trying to be superwoman for too long and failing dismally, because really what is the point, we are getting a cleaner.  Who also irons.  I think I am in love with her already.

She was recommended by a lovely colleague of mine at work and I am so very excited about her coming to clean our house once a fortnight.  I am even more excited about coming home to a clean house after she has done her bit.  It will be like having a cleaning fairy. 

Which means I can concentrate on spending more time with my family, playing with Liam, cooking, gardening and generally not feeling so bloody dog tired on a Sunday night.

You see, its the little things that excite me these days.


Jen said...

Jo, I have been debating this decision myself. I would be so happy if somebody else cleaned my house... who wouldn't? I would get to spend more time with Maggie and Bill and doing fun stuff. But I don't want Maggie growing up thinking that she never has to do any cleaning because the "hired help" will do it. I'm not sure why I feel this way, maybe because I had to help with housecleaning as a kid and I feel like she should too? Anyway, wondered if that was something that bugs you too or if it's just me. Everybody I know who has kids either hires a house cleaner or ardly ever cleans.

Unknown said...

JO, you are the one to clean your home. Click into 3rd and giddy up!
I myself are literally on my knees all day and I stress all day, when I get home I do it all. Yes Im the man and it must get done. Your poor mother duck had 4 kids and you have 1.......... Its not hard dood. Whats next a chef?