Saturday, January 21, 2012

Things I love about where I live...

Mawsons Park in Hillarys - a great big park with playground, duck pond and a huge oval for the three of us to have a kickabout.  Just a 5 min drive down the road.

Hillarys Boat Harbour.  A lovely beach to take kids with sunshades and a playground (bit of a theme here really).  You could swim across to the pub if you wanted to, but the fact that they charge around $15 for a pint of beer puts us off.  A lot easier to grab a few beers and have them at home (and cheaper).

Dome Cafe, Mullaloo.  Across the road from the beach, great brekkie and great for kids.  Bring your own pencil sharpener though as their pencils for the kids are always blunt.  But keeps them occupied while you slurp your coffee and eggs.

Our front deck.  Come on baby.  Mama needs to sit out here and enjoy a champagne soon with the candles on.

Jessabelle, the crazy dog next door.  Eats her weight in polony, sausages, chops or anything else we throw on the bbq.  The closest this family will get to a dog and that's the way I like it.

Mullaloo Beach.  Perfect in summer, great sunsets in Winter.  Many a relaxing moment spent here and a 3 minute drive from home.

Our lovely back garden.  Its where Liam plays golf, Rich and I moan about the state of the lawn, slippery slides are belly flopped on and bouncy castles have been erected.  Its so great to have space finally.


Ivan said...

Great post Jo !

Lisa said...

A lovely place to live indeeed. I loved Perth when we were over there for a visit a few years ago.

I am who I am said...

Your garden is looking beautiful!!
We also feel blessed to live where we do!