Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Farewell our little break...

How quickly did that break go?  I look forward to it all year and then it goes by in a flash.

Back to the grindstone it is tomorrow.  Liam has headed back to childcare this morning, complete with new water bottle and packed bag.  Richard and I have had a precious day off together to get some work done around the house and enjoy some nice chats.  He still has two more days off, the lucky thing!

So, will log onto my work laptop tonight and start sorting through the ridiculous amount of emails that are awaiting me.  But...I feel full refreshed and charged for 2012.

We have so many great things to look forward to this year.  I'll be finishing up work at the end of March (give or take a week either side) and then our bambino joins us on the 20th April.  Am all booked in and ready to have my c section.  I'll be a stay at home mumma for 9 months before heading back to work in January 2013.  Two little charges to take care of.  All I have to do this year is focus on being a mum, no rushing out the door or work deadlines to balance on top of the mumma duties which will be a welcome relief.

We have our trip to the UK in September, and my husband's 40th to celebrate there.  We'll also get our baby christened hopefully in London too.  And I am looking forward to sprucing our home up and getting healthy and fit.  Its going to be a bumper year.

If you've headed back to work this week, I hope its been a short week for you :)

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