Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Summer Holidays

Rich and I purposefully don't take a lot of leave through the year.  We might have the odd day off here and there and relish those public holidays, but we save it all up and take a good amount of time off at Xmas.

A week before Xmas I feel like the both of us are going to keel over from stress as the last minute rush of work deadlines, Xmas shopping, Xmas parties and catching up with people threatens to overwhelm us.  This year was no different.  I had three work deadlines due on the same day and so many things to do.

Last Thursday it was my final day at work and Rich finished on the Friday.  The Friday was day of running around, getting organsied for Xmas and Liam started to get sick.  Manage best we could, I tried to find around my day of chores making sure he was ok.

We had a wonderful, relaxing Xmas with our family and on Xmas night I said to Richard that I was relieved it was all over.  It was a fantastic build up, but there is something nice about the food and presents being over and done with it and getting on with the job of plain, old chilling out.

The three of us have been doing that.  Going to bed late, waking late, eating, going to the beach first thing in the morning with bed hair and clean teeth and splashing away in the ocean.  Quality time all together which in the rush of life, we sometimes lack.  Its been beautiful and we have so many more days to look forward to before 2012 kicks in.

In amongst all this relaxing, a fourth little person is making its presence felt and my tummy is starting to somersault and kick all the time.  This time next year we will have a four year old and 8 month old, and life will be totally different again. 

I am so proud of my little family.  They mean the absolute world to me and without them, I'd be lost.  The last couple of weeks have shown me how lucky I am - beautiful husband, a healthy and adorable sun, a lovely home, good job and wonderful extended family and friends.

I'm really going to make the most of this time off and reflect on lots of things that life has taught me this year.

I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and are looking forward to 2012.  I know I am!



Amy said...


Lisa said...

Sounds very similar to the week we're having (bar the good weather!). Enjoy your break.