Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mummy's poor little lamb

I hate seeing Liam sick.  I just hate it.  You never want your child to be sick but it comes with the territory. 

After a full week in his own bed, I am now getting used to a little person appearing next to me in the middle of the night.  The first time it happened I felt someone stroke my hair and I thought we had a burglar in the house and completely freaked out.  Now I just see a little shadow and a voice saying 'mummy'.  At 1am this morning I thought I smelt something odd and when Liam got into bed with me he was soaking.  Soaking in vomit it seemed. 

Up the three of us got.  Changing clothes, running baths, putting bedsheets into the washing machine.

At 6.30am I was catching vomit in my hands and then again at 7.30am.  I said to Liam 'you poor little lamb' and he kept saying back to me 'mummy's poor little lamb' and 'sorry for the naughty hiccups mummy'.  A couple of hours later, he is fine again.  He ate some toast, had a drink of water and is at the park with his dad while I clean the house and get ready for work.

Stay well Liam, mummy loves you lots.


1 comment:

a country wife said...

Oh no Jo how awful! There is nothing worse then a sick little bub :( I hope it was just a 24 hour thing. Aren't they adorable though when they first start talking. Commenting on being your 'poor little lamb' and apologising for the 'naughty hiccups' must have made your heart melt xx