Thursday, January 13, 2011

How I try to get more time in my day...but don't always succeed

A lot of people ask me how I handle working full time with being a mum.  The honest answer is..I don't know.  I always say to my husband that I am surprised that the three of us make it out the door at 7am.  It's a mad rush.  Some days it all goes horribly wrong and I am doing my make up at the traffic lights while reading Liam The Ugly Duckling or Billy The Bulldozer.  There is a reason I have a strong coffee after I switch my computer on each morning.

This week has been one of those weeks.  Work is flat out and we have a lot going on at home as well.  I make a lot of lists on my computer and try and get as organised as possible the night before by following these little tips I picked up in a book I read last year as I was about to embark on full time paid employment after having 13 months maternity leave:

* I exfoliate and shave the night before so I only need a quick shower in the morning. 
* I make sure my bag is filled and ready so I am not hunting around around for my purse/phone/keys/diary at the last minute.
* I lay out Liam's clothes as soon as I get home from work and pack his bag as well for the following day.
* I always put my keys back in the same place, next to our kitchen phone.
* I charge my mobile overnight.
* I lay out my clothes the night before on a chair.  If I hate the outfit the following morning, tough luck.
* One day I will aspire to drinking hot water with lemon and prepare a thermos the night before, but coffee wakes me up and quite frankly, I need it.

If only I could find a few more hours in the day and everything would be perfect.

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