Sunday, June 3, 2012


I'd like to introduce the new addition to our family - our son Owen Joseph Spillane.

I was so convinced I was having a girl, so was totally gobsmacked when my Obstretrician pulled him out of my tummy and said 'its a boy!'.  We couldn't have been prouder though and I just though 'two boys - brilliant!' - I'll be cleaning that toilet seat for a while yet!

It took us a while to decide to have a second baby and then we had the very happy and quick surprise when we found out I was pregnant.  I'm now at home with Liam and Owen fulltime before I go back to work in January next year and I am amazed at how the days and weeks fly by.  These boys have me on my toes, but I love the chaos of it all and wouldn't change it for anything.  I'm a very lucky mum to have beautiful, healthy boys and a gorgeous husband...


April @ Composed by April said...

Congratulations Jo! I thought you were going to have a little girl too, how lovely that you have a little boy though!

I hope they aren't running you too ragged.



Unknown said...

Congratulations Jo - our two little boys are born in the same week. We are heading to your side of the world late in the year - we should meet up for a playdate!