Sunday, August 7, 2011

And breathe....

I will always need to live next to water.  Be it an ocean, stream, river or lake.  I am sure its the water bearer in me, the Aquarian. 

It was my dream to come back home after years of travel to buy a house next to the beach.  We are about a 5 minute drive from it and as soon as I turn out of our street I can see it, glistening away.

On Friday night we took Liam to a playground overlooking the beach and then decided on a whim to watch the sunset.

As I looked at my two special boys playing tag with the tide, I took a deep breath and exhaled very loudly.  I felt peace, I felt content and I felt so lucky we have this beautiful Indian Ocean in our backyard.

We are so lucky to live here in Perth.

I need to take more time to just breathe. 

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