Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Simple Things

Work is mad.  It is really taking over my life at the moment.  If I am not at work I am thinking about it while washing my hair in the shower or driving to work.  I love it and I love the people I work with and thank my lucky stars that I do, but I have to give myself a reality check quite often and realise its a job.  Its not my life and I have a much bigger life outside of it.

This week I had two days at home with Liam.  On Tuesday I worked half the day from home (impossible to do with a two and a half year old) and then on Thursday he was sick and had a nasty rash which I had to get checked out (all fine).  I realised this week it it was the simple things in life that make me happy.  Work is a part of that but there are other things that make me feel like I have fed my soul with some chicken soup. 

* Creating our garden.  I love getting muddy and picking out the plants at the nursery and then seeing it all come together.  I love it when it rains so that all the plants are getting watered.  If I don't watch myself I'll start talking to them soon.

* Spending time with Liam.  I love our conversations about buses, trains and tractors and singing the great white shark song.  Its a brilliant age and it has its ups (such a great memory for a kid!) and downs (massive temper tantrums where everyone stares in the middle of a shopping centre) but I do love being his mum so much.

* It occured to me on Tuesday that I have never shared a bath with Liam.  On Tuesday morning we did.  We made bubble moustaches and sang about horses and brushed our teeth together.  It was an absolute joy.

* Let's not forget my gorgeous husband.  I love waking up in the middle of the night to get a drink and return to our warm bed and cuddle up to him.  I feel safe and secure and at peace.  And happy.

* I bought flannelette pyjamas at Myer today for $13.  And they have spots.  I love them and have them on now and plan to spend a large majority of Sunday in them. 

* Sharing a glass of wine with my husband at the end of the day.  Whether its on the couch watching Spooks on a Saturday night or sharing a bowl of cashews at the kitchen table while we natter about life, I love looking forward to that glass of wine.

Simple girl, simple pleasures.


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