36. Quite an in between age. Not quite middle aged, although not a spring chicken either.
The other night I said to my husband, did I just get 'old' without realising it? Or do I feel 'old' because I have a child?
There are the physical signs. My hairdresser noticed a grey hair on top of my head the last time I saw her. Instead of freaking out, I just shrugged. The peroxide was going to cover it anyway.
I have permanent dark circles under my eyes. No amount of sleep is ever going to take them away. I noticed them the minute I gave birth to Liam. The weary look that most mum's have.
Then there are the stretchmarks and wrinkles. Believe me, I have no urge to run out and get botox. I've pretty much accepted my body has changed and will continue to change.
It’s the other stuff. The stuff that makes me feel like I should be packing my pipe and shuffling permanently around in my comfortable slippers.
I can't listen to any radio stations in my car. The DJ's are immature, they insult my intelligence and the music is god awful. Until the day I can get UK Radio 1 podcast directly to my car, its going to be me and 720 AM for the trip to work. Or Coldplay. To hear myself complain out loud 'why don't they make any decent music anymore?' makes me cringe.
I steer clear of teenagers on public transport. Teenage girls have morphed into Paris Hilton and speak like her. Teenage boys smell. Or they have their I-Phones playing at ear smashing volume and again, their choice of music is questionable.
For Mother's Day my boys gave me a voucher for the ABC shop. It really was the best present. I could spend hours in that shop. And I gave my husband the hint to buy it for me.
Documentaries on SBS and ABC now hold a huge fascination for me.
I've become less tolerant of bullshit. Why should I put up with it?
Even gardening has become quite interesting to me.
So, I've come to the realisation I am a Grumpy Old Woman. When the show comes on, I sit glued to it and can relate to every single facet of it.
Good lord. What am I going to be like at 40?
I hear you Jo and just to make matters worse in my camp - I drive a beige coloured Volvo lol
I'm exactly the same, except I'm child free. I think I'm bordering on agoraphobic, it's that bad. Other people just shit me to tears!
I will be 35 later this year and I have some of the same hallmarks of the Grumpy Old Lady! Especially the permanent dark circles under the eyes (and you're right, all moms have them). I too found a single gray hair (after having Maggie, of course) - I plucked it and threw it away, and so far it hasn't send an army of its peers to get revenge, thank goodness. But I decided to OWN the grumpy old lady-ness. So many things that used to bother me just roll off my back now. I call people out on BS more than I used to. It's good!
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