Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time Out

I really love spending time on my own.  Just to sit with my own thoughts and watch the world go by.  Its something I miss because these days it doesn't happen too often.  But that's ok, because when it does happen, I appreciate it more.

My boss told me on Friday afternoon that we could finish at 4pm.  I had a whole spare hour to fill before I met up with Rich and Liam.  What's a girl to do?  I had bought a Practical Parenting magazine on Toddlers that I wanted to read so I decided to take myself off to King Street.  King Street is beautiful, a small little street with designer stores and tempting windows.

I ordered a hot cup of tea, a slice of cake, set the alarm on my phone and relaxed.  I watched the people walk by on their way home and read my magazine in peace.  It felt lovely to have that time to just me. 

My alarm sounded.  It was time to go home.  Join the throng of people on the train.  Make dinner, do bathtime and read bedtime stories.  Make a list of things to do on the weekend.  Hang out washing and play hide and seek with Liam. 

I hope you all had a great weekend x


I am who I am said...

Oh that is the best kind of me time. I've still never explored the city of Perth. I must do this, King St sounds beautiful.

Publisher said...

Its sounds like a very relaxing, me time you had. I love doing that too, sometimes I'll get hubby to look after the kids while I go have some coffee and a little shopping venture! Its nice!