Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Love notes

Nothing can quite prepare you for when you go from twosome to threesome.

I remember lounging around in bed until 11am, lunch at 1pm, lazy afternoons in the pub reading the paper and talking to the early hours with my husband.  We could do whatever we wanted when we wanted.

All that changes when you have a child.  We don't mind that now of course, but in the beginning it really did take some adjusting.  Our marriage went through a period of adjustment.  Suddenly its not all about you, or him, and there is this little person to consider.

Fast forward to the toddler years.  I know its only February, but how did our lives get somuch busier this year?  Once that alarm goes off each morning at 5.45am, the race is on.  Attempts at a conversation with my husband are interuptted within about 2 seconds.


Too bad if we were talking about something important.  Liam needs to be acknowledged and NOW.

Kisses and hugs with my husband are grabbed when there is a spare moment. 

Imagine my pure delight when I opened up my lunch bag to find a beautiful handwritten note from my husband to let me know he loves me.  My heart just sang.  This was something we did for each other before parenthood.

How beautiful of my husband to remember those days.

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