Saturday, October 20, 2012

Life gets in the way poor neglected blog.  I can see the dust on my computer screen already!

The above image is very me.  Around 3pm I'm collapsing on a bed with either Liam or Owen or both.  We had a week of shocking jetlag after our trip to London (think two children not wanting to go to bed till 3am but then up at 7am demanding breakfast!) and now its all go go go now we are back.

I have about two and a bit months left of maternity leave before I go back to work in January.  I had to go to a doctors appointment in the city last week and it felt very weird traipsing on the Terrace with all the office workers at lunchtime with a pram and over excited near four year old that loved the noise of it all. 

I have tons to organise in terms of childcare and kindy for the boys.  We are buying another car before Xmas.  We have family moving to Perth.  There is Xmas to think of.  More renovations for the house.  I'm embarking on a diet/exercise challenge.  Rich and I get to see the Stone Roses in March next year.  Life keeps a moving...

I'll be sure to keep you updated. x