Monday, October 24, 2011

Maternity clothes

Maternity Clothing Departments....words fail me.

Sorry, but I don't wear floral prints, empire waists, shirts that tie into a bow in the back, pastels, bedazzled goofy sayings across my chest (i.e. Rub My Belly for Good Luck), tents, tie-dye, head to toe corduroy, denim or velour.  I never wore them before so why would I wear them now?

I'm going to be very pregnant during a Perth summer, which is notoriously hot.  Think blowdryer on high blowing in your face every day.  I'm stuck quite frankly.  I am thinking maxi dresses, perhaps sarongs with a cool tank and funky accessories...??

I've had a look online, and found a few things here and there.  It seems that online is always cheaper and there is more of a range than what you get in Australia.

Friday, October 21, 2011


My big news is that I am pregnant.  Not with triplets though, so don't freak out.

When we went for our first dating scan, the sonographer had to do an internal ultrasound to check I wasn't pregnant with twins.  I held my breath for a bit, but no, just the one.  Its been a bit of a joke in our family, twins run on Richard's side.

Today at work I was talking to a colleague of mine who has triplets.  We got talking about routines and all the other stuff you do when you are a parent of young children.  I was so amazed at the sheer amount of hard work he and his wife do as parents of triplets.  I just couldn't imagine having three at one time, I find it challenging being a mum of one and getting my head around having another in 6 months time. 

The universal theme that we agreed on is 'you just get on with it'.  And don't be afraid to ask for help. 

We are really excited about having another little one in our family.  Two is it for us, so I am really looking forward to completing out family unit and watching our two children grow up together.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I Don't Know How She Does It

I've just finished reading the book of the same title and really identified with it.  I certainly don't have the same income bracket or high pressure job as Kate Reddy, the main character in the book, but I did understand the frustrations of juggling work and family.
There are days where I feel I don't do my two jobs, motherhood and employee, properly.  Then some weeks it works seamlessly well.  I'm sure its a feeling shared by most working mums.  There was a sentence in the book that said women are now doing men's work, but are still expected to be the doting mother/wife/chief cook/bottle washer.  No wonder we are constantly knackered.

I couldn't imagine not working.  I enjoy the feeling of independence, providing financially for my family and the work that I do.  I also couldn't imagine not being a mother.  I love my son so much, but I couldn't do what I do without a very supportive husband.

Anyway, cannot wait for this movie to come out.  I've heard some bad reviews, but I'll make up my own mind.

Here is the trailer:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

101 positive things to say to your kids

That's Incredible!  How Extraordinary!  Far Out! Outstanding Performance!  I can't get over it!  Great! Amazing Effort!  Unbelievable Work!  Wonderful!  Marvelous!  Phenomenal!  You've Got It!  Superb!  Cool!  Excellent!  You're Special!  Your work is out of sight!  Your projectis first rate!  You've outdone yourself!  Way To Go! Thumbs Up!  You're a good friend!  You came through! Terrific!  You tried hard! Your help counts!  You made it happen!  It coun't be better!  Fantastic work!  You're a real trooper!  Fabulous!  Bravo!  Exceptional!  You're Unique!  Awesome!  Breathtaking!  The time you put in really shows!  You're a great example for others!  Keep up the good work!  I knew you had it in you!  Dynamite!  Its everything I hoped for! You should be proud of yourself!  What an imagination!  You made the difference!  Well Done! 
You're Sensational!  Very Good!  A plus work!  Super Job!  Good for you!  Take a bow!  You figured it out!  Great answer!  You're doing a lot better! Thanks for being honest!  How artistic!  Hooray for you!  You're a Joy!  How thoughtful of you!  You're amazing! You're getting there!  What a great idea!  You deserve a hug!  Thanks for trying!  You've made great progress! You're getting better!  You're a big help!  You're neat! You've got what it takes!  You're #1!  You're a shining star!  You can be trusted!  Wow! Remarkable!  Beautiful!  I'm so proud of you!  Very impressive!  You're sharp!  You're a winner!  Hot Dog!   Spectacular word! You're so kind!  You've really grown up!  What a great listener!  Thanks for helping!  great Discovery!  You've earned my respect!  Thanks for caring!  You're A-Okay!  You're a great kid!  How original!  You're a champ!  You're a pleasure to know!  Very brave!  What a genius!  You're very talented!  You're the greatest!  You're very special!  You're super!  You on target!  I love you!